Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pangandaran Beach in West Java Indonesia

Pangandaran Beach

Beautiful Pangandaran Beach is one tourist attraction on the coast of West Java in Indonesia. This beach is located in the Village Pananjung, District Pangandaran with a distance of ± 92 km south of the city Ciamis. Sloping beach with clear water and the distance between the ups and downs are relatively long to allow us to swim safely. There are beaches with white sand and is also available tourist beach rescue teams. There is a marine park with fish and marine life memeesona

Many unique event in Pangandaran, one of which is the International Kite Festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) with a variety of supporting activities which we can see in every month of June or July.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Where travel writers when they go on holidays

Which hotels do travel writers check into when they go on holidays? That's what Mark Hudson, a writer himself for The Sunday Times, among other publications, was keen to know, so he asked 50 of them (including myself) and published their recommendations, 'Where travel writers pay to stay', on his site 101 Holidays. I've been meaning to share this one with you for a while. If you're a regular Cool Travel Guide reader, you'll know (from this post and others) that I've been increasingly frustrated with user-generated content of the kind you get on Trip Advisor, and find myself looking more and more for recommendations by experts, so I was pleased to see Mark do this. Ah, but you say, aren't all hotel reviews in magazines and papers written by experts? Well, yes they are, but they aren't always the kind of hotels that the experts actually stay at when they have a choice. Sometimes hotels are reviewed because they're 'hot properties', newly opened, relaunched, or because an advertiser/business partner has asked for them to be reviewed. Pictured above is a detail from the sitting room at the Novecento, a hotel we stayed for pleasure, not work, when we attended the Venice Biennale in June - it's not new and not 'hot', but it has loads of charm, is in a wonderful location, and the staff are some of the best around.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cikaso Waterfall on Sukabumi Indonesia

cikaso waterfall Indonesia

cikaso waterfall

cikaso waterfall

Cikaso waterfall, the location of this waterfall in the tourist area of tile Ujung. Cikaso is the name of the river that flows from the upper reaches are located in North Sukabumi until the end with its estuary on the South Coast region Surade District, South Sukabumi. From upstream to its estuary, the river water flow through some curaman cikaso cliffs forming the river flow is an amazing waterfall. Location Cikaso Waterfall tour is going to be a complement to your nautical tourism in tile Ujung after quite content to enjoy the enchanting sea beaches in the Edge tiles, this is an appropriate location for swimming in freshwater.

Waterfalls Cikaso or better known by local names Cikaso waterfall is located between Jampang Kulon and Surade. Overflow waterfall looks magnificent and charming, fair panoramic waterfall is a favorite shot the cameraman you can see in a variety of sources on the internet. Tile Ujung well known for its enchanting beaches, it is also rich with waterfall / waterfalls along the rivers, besides Cikaso waterfall you can also see another waterfall waterfall-which is also well known as Luhur waterfall, waterfall Cigansa and many others.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Creating a ‘home’ away

Reminders of home are important to people no matter where they are, no more so than when they're 'away'. But they become especially precious to long term travellers like us who live out of their suitcases. When I was backpacking on my own in South America when I was younger, I carried a wooden incense holder and incense with me that I’d brought from Australia, and I’d light it wherever I stayed. The scent of sandalwood would take me back to our flat in Sydney where Terry was still living and working, and remind me of him and our home. But it also made a characterless hotel room cosy. Terry and I do the same thing now when we travel, light incense in hotel rooms wherever we go. Only now the scent reminds us of the frankincense we’d use in the apartment we packed up over two years ago in Dubai. This is the start of our 29th month on the road writing, and we're starting to miss having a home. Months at a time have been spent researching countries, regions, islands, and cities where we’ve had to move hotels every day or two to test them out for the guidebooks we're writing, and simply to cover the territory we needed to. We spent January, February and part of March researching books in the UAE, Cyprus and Crete, so we were relieved to stay at a friend’s villa for a month in Turkey. We bought a tonne of groceries and the first thing we did when we arrived was unpack and put everything away and set the kitchen up the way we like it. We planned to do a lot of cooking and we did. We shifted furniture around, lit our incense, scattered travel magazines about, put novels on our bedside tables, and picked flowers from the garden. Do you like them? I delighted in doing little things that I used to do at home. Like being able to arrange my toiletries in the bathroom. Don't laugh. We even adopted some neighbourhood cats, bought them food, and fed them daily. But just because we’re missing having a ‘home’ doesn’t mean we want to stop travelling. On the contrary, we’re currently planning our next research trip to Italy and we're already getting excited at the prospect of being on the road again. It’s just that we appreciate being able to create a 'home' whenever we can. For the first time in my life, I can understand why some people get homesick when they travel. Although for me any feelings of melancholia or nostalgia I might have occasionally aren't strong enough to give up travelling. After all, giving up travelling is unnecessary when we can create a 'home' – however temporary – wherever we are.

Tidung Island in Indonesia

Little about the Tidung Island

When talking Tidung Island then it can not be separated by the Thousand Islands. Tidung Island is one of the islands in the Thousand Islands. The island is divided into two, namely, Pulau Besar and Pulau Tidung Tidung Small. The island also has a considerable population. Tidung Island region is a unique place, especially for marine tourism and diving. Coral reef ecosystem on the island still has a beauty that is quite good, especially when conducting snorkeling or diving in the deep area. Research activities are also often done in this area.

The island consists of Tidung Tidung Large and Small Tidung connected by a long bridge is located in the South western part of the Thousand Islands, with a mileage of approximately 3 hours drive from Muara Angke with passenger ships. Much has this bridge called the bridge of love.

Tidung Island which is estimated only 200 meters wide but about 5 km long, shallow beach surrounded by a graded white because overgrown with corals that appear invisible to the eye and filled with ornamental fish kept beaches berlenggok seemed mengibur eye. More fore, blue-green shades of the sea and further blue and dark blue sign in the sea, the beach is not big choppy because clusters of corals and coral reefs that surround capable of withstanding the waves, is safe for swimming.
On this island can be found settlements friendly locals and a few stalls that provide food and beverages, then this long path that will pass through public facilities, such as police stations are also friendly friendly greet the tourists passing in front of him, junior high school to students from all around the island, a collection of stalls and headed into the long bridge connecting the island with the island of Great Tidung Small Tidung without inhabitants. Health center and administrative offices are neat and tidy will also pass along the journey tracing Tidung Island.

At the beginning of this bridge, you will find a bridge high enough to go through a rather deep ocean basins, where many young children demonstrate the locals diving from the bridge as a means of playing them, quite entertaining the tourists and very inviting desire to join them perform diving in blue beach without waves.

At the end of the bridge, up the coast Tidung Small Island which is a breeding area of ​​mangrove, still perform beautifully explored by bicycle, through a path filled with weeds and deserted beaches of soft white sand, very beautiful scenery.
So for those of you who want to travel, then it does not hurt you to think of this Tidung island travel.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Kamphaeng Phet at Thailand

Old city of Kamphaeng Phet, classified World Heritage by UNESCO with Humanity in 1991, around the ruins of Sukhothai, is in Kamphaeng Phet Historical Park.

Kamphaeng Phet is an important province. During the Sukhothai era, it is a city whose status is recognized as the crown of the city's ruling, considered to have been founded in 1347 during King Let Government of Thailand, King of the 4th dynasty of Sukhothai and was called "Cha Kang Rao and" Nakhon Chum "Kamphaeng Phet occupies an area of ​​8,607.5 square kilometers and is located 358 km from Bangkok province is in the lower Northern Region, has a territory bordering with: .. No, and Sukhothai.

With a history museum and the ruins of the old, the province is an interesting stage during a trip to northern Thailand and so on.