Friday, April 15, 2011

Bromo Mountain : The Great Mountain in East Java

Bromo Mountain ;
Mt. Bromo is not doubt East Java's most well known attraction. The mountain located in eastern Indonesia is precisely eastern Java is very charming indeed. The pre-dawn departure and trek across the mountain's 'sand sea' to watch the sun rise at the crater rim has become a daily ritual, joined by visitors from all over the world. Although by no means the highest mountain in the region, Bromo has gained a reputation on account of its fantastic surrounding landscape. Little wonder that this mountain has been revered for centuries by the local inhabitants, the Tenggerese, who claim descent from a princess of Majapahit. Each year, on the fourteenth day of the Tenggerese month of Kasodo, which falls in December, a special ceremony is held on the sand sea below the crater of Bromo. Livestock and agricultural produce are offered to the spirit of the mountain as a kind of thanksgiving, and as a request for a bountiful harvest in the coming year. The Tenggerese believe that failure to observe this annual ceremony will result in a calamity.